Hi! Welcome to my inaugural blog post lol. My name is Charlotte and I have over the past few years attempted a number of impromptu blogs on various platforms, including Substack and Medium, as well as more casual "logging" outlets like Letterboxd and Backloggd. Over time though, I have found myself increasingly frustrated and disillusioned with the prospect of lacking control over the presentation and venue of my writing and blogging, and also have found wanting the kinds of discussions such broad platforms ultimately provide. Originally, I had plans for this site to be primarily a repository for my fiction writing, but I am making this post in part because my current fancy is in reworking this small space into a collection of my critical and creative writings as well as just a casual blog space for myself! Plus, there's something romantic about a small little blog in the very impersonal and hyperaccelerated world we find ourselves facing online. If you're reading this, thank you for your interest in me :) and I hope you find something interesting here.

Of note, this blog will consist of little media logs, updates on any personal projects, a variety of little bloggings, and any creative writing I may or may not get done hehe. If that sounds interesting to you at all, please feel free to check in every once in awhile :)